I started this project in May 2020 during Covid. The goal is to explore Switzerland’s most and often least known bicycle ascents. I extensively used the website cols-cyclisme.com to find the ascents and I cannot thank them enough for their work.

All ascents by region

Heatmap of ascents

Subdirectory Image


Number of ascents by region

  1. Alpes Valaisannes: 23/32

  2. Alpes Bernoises: 17/54

  3. Jura: 22/38

  4. Mont-Blanc: 5/5

  5. Chablais: 5/12

  6. Massif de l’Ortles: 2/2

  7. Alpes Uranaises: 0/17

  8. Alpes Glaronaises: 0/5

  9. Alpes Lépontines: 2/24

  10. Alpes Rhétiques: 3/14

  11. Rätikon: 0/3

  12. Chaîne de la Bernina: 1/4

  13. Saint-Gothard: 5/7

  14. Autres: 0/2

Total: 85/244

Hours spent on the bike: 0

Total kilometers:

Total elevation gain:

Ascents with road bike:

Ascents with blue bike: